Sunday, September 4, 2011


The thread is an element strongly related to Biella’s history of the textile and wool production. As an object it has also a lot of different connotations, such as “thread of life”, “Ariadna’s thread”… A thread is very easy to convert in a geometrical line, or a time line, knotted it can serve of support and create textures.
After that comes knitting. It’s an activity that has a long history and tradition, that demands patience and time, and can give a very practical or poetic result. It’s an activity that many times was and still is making people gather, laugh, talk about life, dreams, past, present and future. A sweater, sock, scarf made knitting contains the time and personal story of a person who did it. It “remembers” the process, thoughts and ideas that were conceived meantime. It’s like an insect "frozen" in amber, a piece of somebody’s lifetime included in the wool structure. For me it’s the point where the connection between the thread and life happens, both supported by the time.
Two of my projects are related to this idea, and in both I decided to use a woollen thread. First project is related to my personal story, me being the one who makes a cloth and me doing a solo in it in the streets of Biella. My story "in-between" other Biella's stories. The second one works more with the idea of tradition, of the group creativity, and co-existence in the time.

Note from the continuation of the project - a video from the knitting action in the gardens of the centre of the city.

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